Monday, February 22, 2010

Asynchronus Javascript and JSON !!!!

With ajax finding its due place in web app world, the need for faster communication with server components has manifested clearly. XML requiring large memory footprint is now frequently replaced by JSON as the medium of data communication. Since when I have been involved with JSON I am looking for some good Java-JSON binding framework. We have some good Java-XML binding frameworks (JAXB, JIBX, Castor to name a few.. ). Searching the internet following JSON binding frameworks seems to be doing what is required.
Jackson (
Skaringa (

If JSON-Java is there, aren't you finding yourself thinking about XML-JSON conversions. Yes you can enjoy reading and example at
Suerly, there are other tools for the same purpose which are budding.

Particularly interesting are the tools coming up that aims to achieve what has been done with XML for a long time, i.e XSLT. Go on with some reading at the links below and you will find them interesting. (XML: XSLT :: JSON : -----)


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