Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hibernate Connection

Connecting to SQL server through Hibernate
Jar required: sqljdbc.jar
Jdbc driver name:
Connection string: jdbc: sqlserver://:1433;DatabaseName=

Connecting to AS400 through Hibernate
Jar required: jt400.jar
Jdbc driver name:
Connection string: jdbc:as400:///;transaction isolation=none

Connecting to DB2 through Hibernate
Jar required: db2jcc.jar
Jdbc driver name:
Connection string: jdbc:db2://:50000/

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Software Engineering - A Recall..

                                    Best Practices of Software Engineering

Best practices are a set of commercially proven approaches to software development which, when used in combination, strike at the root causes of software development problems. They are observed to be commonly used in industry by successful organizations.

The above mentioned best practices are documented in The Rational Unified Process – An Introduction

A model is a complete description of a system from a particular perspective.
Diagrams are views of a model.

  •  Use-case diagrams illustrate user interactions with the system.
  •  Class digrams illustrate logical structure.
  •  Object diagrams illustrate objects and links.
  •  State diagrams illustrate behavior
  •  Component diagrams illustrate physical structure of the software.
  •  Deployment diagrams show the mapping of software to hardware configurations
  •  Interaction diagrams ( i.e. collaboratoin and sequence diagrams) illustrate behavior
  •  Activity diagrams illustrate the flow of events in a use-case.

An architectural view is a simplified description of a system from a particular perspective or vantage point, covering particular concerns and omitting entities that are not relevant to this perspective.

                  Representing Architecture: The 4+1 View Model

Logical View – addresses the functional requirements of the system.

Implementation view
– describes the organization of static software modules in the development environment, in terms of packaging, layering and configuration management.

Process view – addresses the concurrent aspect of the system at sun-time: tasks, threads or processes, and their interactions. 

Deployment view – shows how the various executables and other run-time components are mapped onto the underlying platforms or computing nodes.

                                         Analysis Versus Design

Analysis, focus is on understanding the problem

Design, focus is on understanding the solution